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Spinnerets For Wet Spinning - Jinwei

By S***
Reference Id SPI/653
Price $ 1000
Category Spinning
Subcategory Spinning Accessories
Location Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Brand Name and Model -
Condition New
Minimum Order Quantity 5 Set
Application Spinnerets for Wet Spinning
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No of Spindles
Description :

Spinnerets for Wet Spinning Process of wet spinning is used for polymers that need to be dissolved in a solvent to be spun. The spinneret is submerged in a chemical bath that causes the fiber to precipitate, and then solidify, as it emerges. The process gets its name from this "wet" bath. Acrylic, rayon, aramid, modacrylic, and spandex are produced via this process. A variant of wet spinning is dry jet-wet spinning, where the solution is extruded into air and drawn, and then submerged into a liquid bath. This method is used in Lyocell spinning of dissolved cellulose. Material ? Ta ? Stainless Steel